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小班英语教案《Father Mother Grandma》

小班英语优秀教案 更新时间:2018-02-14

小班英语教案《Father Mother Grandma》配图一

  整理了关于幼儿小班英语教案《Father Mother Grandma》,希望对幼儿学习有所帮助,仅供参考。

  一、Objects:words:Father Mother Grandma Grandpa


  二、Prepare(准备) : Photos picture、music CD


  三、Teaching steps(过程):


  (一)、Warm up:




  T: Hello !Good morning ,boys and girls !


  K: Good morning ,Michael.


  T : How are you?


  K :I am fine ,thank you! And you ?


  T: I am fine too ,thank you! How is the weather?


  K: It is sunny day .


  T : Yes , it is sunny day .Do you like sunny day?


  K : Yes ,we are .


  2、Finger play


  T: Clap ,clap ,clap your hands.


  K: Clap ,clap ,clap my hands.


  T: Clap your hands as quickly as you can .


  Clap your hands as slowly as you can .




  Let’s sing the song :《How Is the Weather Like Today》




  1 Show Jimmy’s family photo to the kids. Put it on the white board ,and ask Jimmy to introduce the members to the other kids. Jimmy point his father ,


  teacher say:father and the kids read after teacher. The same to the other members.


  2 Put the pictures of father ,mother ,uncle , grandpa and grandma on the whiteboard. Ask 4 kids to touch the picture ,when teacher say :father(mother ,uncle , grandpa and grandma), they must touch the picture of father quickly . who is quickly and who is the winner .




  1、Finding game


  A、The kids close the eyes ,and the teacher put the 5 pictures under their chair .when teacher say:Open your eyes .They find the picture under their picture .


  B、Then teacher say : “Father”( mother ,uncle , grandpa and grandma ) they must put the pictures on the white board one by one .And read out loudly .


  2、Up and down


  Teacher say:“father” the kids must stand up .


  “mother”they must sit down .The same to any two of these new words . Who is slowly ,and he or she must read out the words loudly.


  四、Review and Happy ending


  1、Say bye-bye to father , mother ,grandpa ,grandma and uncle .


  2、Sing a song:《If you are happy》


  3、Go to pee pee and drink some water.

小班英语教案《Father Mother Grandma》配图二

小班英语教案《Father Mother Grandma》配图三



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