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大班英语教案:Big and Small

幼儿园大班下学期英语教案 更新时间:2019-01-15

大班英语教案:Big and Small配图一

  Teaching aim:

  1. be able to read the words: big and small

  2. say the sentence: I can see a bird /tree/orange……

  3. enjoy the game:

  Teaching preparation:

  Animals card (各种动物卡片 )a picture (一幅背景图) 与幼儿相等的圆(有大与小)

  Teaching course:

  Step 1: Greeting

  Hello! Boys and girls.

  What is your name? My name is …

  How old are you? I am four.

  Which class are you in? K1F.

  Let us play a game? (potato) Ok?

  Step 2: New lesson

  T: What season is it?

  C: spring is coming.

  T: This is a picture about spring. You say open. Ok?

  One two three“open”.

  T: What can you see?

  C:I can see a bird/orange/tree...



  T: What is this?

  C: circle (拿出大小不一圆形)

  T: yes. Big circle/small circle.(同时发给幼儿圆形)

  Game 1: show me your big circle/small circle

  Game 2: All the children stand up. handing and hand make a big circle. Count five stop. Ok?

  T: One. Two…Five. What is this?

  C: Big circle.

  T: Are you ready? Ready go. (游戏反复进行)

  Step 3:Good bye

  Let us play a game

大班英语教案:Big and Small配图二

大班英语教案:Big and Small配图三



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